Shop from China and let Taobao2SG ship your parcels to Singapore. Simple, easy, & lowest fee
Shopping on Taobao, Tmall, 1688 & any E-commerce sites
Let sellers delivery parcels to Guangzhou warehouse
Add parcels into your Taobao2SG user account
Submit shipping order after all parcels arrive at warehouse.
Wait for the goods to be delivered or self-collected in SG.
Your Trusted China to Singapore Sea & Air Shipping Services Provider
We receive, consolidate and pack your parcels. Let you save more money.
One click to track and know the latest status of your parcels.
Check your parcel weight and size from the User Center easily.
Free storage of your parcel in warehouse up to 30 days.
Easily contact us via WhatsApp or WeChat to get assistance quickly
Automatic update of shipping status. Make your shopping safe and easy.
Conveniently manage your shipping orders from WeChat or mobile apps.
Your one-stop Singapore-based shipping service. Best Services & Lowest Fee.
Provide you useful information (latest news, current promotion, key services, and FAQ)
Guangzhou Warehouse is Back in Operation!