Alipay Pay for You Service (via Taobao Web Site)

作者:Freight Forward China to Singapore Sea Air Parcel Shipping, China to Singapore Freight Forward Sea Shipping, 中国往新加坡货运代理公司 - 新加坡集运 时间:2021-05-10

User Guide: Alipay Pay for You Service (via Taobao Web Site) -- Desktop Web Site Version

This instruction assumes that you are using a desktop or notebook computer to make transactions in Taobao.  If you are using Taobao Mobile App, then you need to refer to another instruction article: how to arrange Taobao2SG to pay my Taobao order via Taobao App

If you are already familiar with how to get a friend to pay for your Taobao order, then you can simply search our Alipay ID during the payment steps in Taobao.

This Alipay Pay for You service is free and is only available to Taobao2SG registered users.  We have waived the usual service charge (2% of the pay-for-you payment) for all friends of Taobao2SG.

How to Arrange Taobao2SG to Pay Your Taobao Orders (from Taobao Web Site)

Step 1:Go to your shopping cart in Taobao and find a friend to pay for you

(1) From Taobao web site,  log in and go to your shopping cart (as 购物车 in Taobao). Tick the items in your shopping cart that you would like to buy, and then click "check out"  or "proceed to payment" (as 结算 in the picture below).

Step (2): After you clcik "check out" or "proceed to payment" (as 结算 in the above picture), Taobao web site will pop out a new page to display your order details including the delivery address in China.  During this step, you must make sure that you have specified the correct delivery address, which is the warehouse address of Taobao2SG.  You can find that address from your Taobao2SG User Center.

If the delivery address on Taobao site is the same as the address in your Taobao2SG User Center (e.g., 广东省广州市白云区人和镇岗尾村太岗公路493号一楼之CM-USer ID), then you can scroll dowan the page to the bottom where you can tick the box "Let a Friend Pay for me" (as 朋友代付 in the picture)and click the button "submit order" (as 提交订单 in the picture below).  (Note: the address in the example picture was our old warehouse address. You should use our new warehouse address that can be found from your own User Center.) 

Step(3): the web site will jump to a page for you to indicate which friend will pay for your Taobao order.  The page will look similar to the picture below. When you indicate which friend will pay for your Taobao order, you must specify Taobao2SG's Alipay account correctly.  Our Aplipay account is You should alos indicate your Taobao2SG User ID in the form.  Please see an example from the picture below. 

How to Arrange Taobao2SG to Pay Your Taobao Orders (from Taobao Web Site) - alternative procedure

If you have placed orders in Taobao but have not yet paid your orders, then you can also request Taobao2SG to pay for you by following this instruction.

Step (1):  Log in your Taobao account, then cllik  "Goods that I have already bought" under "My Taobao" (As [我的淘宝],and 【已买到的宝贝】in the picture below). Next,  tick all the items that you have placed orders but not yet paid. Last, click the button "Combine orders and let a freind pay for me" (as 【合并代付】in the picture).

The subsequent procedure is the same as the steps in the previous instruction.  You can use Taobao2SG's Alipay as your Taobao friend who will pay for you. 

After you have arranged "Find a freind to pay for you" in Taobao, please send us the payment screen picture (which look similar to the picture below) or a message which indicates your User ID and the amount that we need to pay for you via  WhatsApp 88130282.   Please also be sure that your Taobao2SG account balance is adequate to pay your Taobao order.  We will deduct an equivelent amount in SGD from your account to pay your Taobao order.  If your account balance is insufficient to pay for the order, our customer service staff will notify you to top up your account balance.

Exchange Rate for Alipay Pay for You Services:

-- We normally follow the exchange rate that is published by Alipay when we make a Taobao payment for you and will deduct equivalent SGD from your account balance. You can also contact us via WhatsApp 6588130282 to check our latest exchange rate.  

-- Pay for You service Fee:  0.  Most Taobao agent charge 2% for such services. However, this service is free to all registered Taobao2SG members.

Turn around / Processing time: we will make the payment for you on the same day if you make your request before 4pm; otherwise the payment will be made in the next working day.  Please take note that if you or the seller cancel your order for any reason, then we will not be able to make the Taobao payment for you.  

After you have arranged "Find a freind to pay for you" in Taobao, please send us the payment screen picture or a message which indicates your User ID and the amount that we need to pay for you via  WhatsApp 88130282

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